29 research outputs found

    The Effect of Ledder Drill Training on Football Dribbling Ability in SSB AC Putra Campurejo

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    This study aims to determine the effect of Ledder Drill Exercise on dribbling skills at SSB Ac Putra Campurejo. pure experiment (one experiment) is the method used. With a sample of 24 athletes from a total population of 100 students. Data collection is done by measuring test. For the calculation process using the SPSS 16 application. The result data can be seen during the initial test with an average value of 36.77, then it increases by 38.79, the next data results there is a percentage increase of 2.28%

    Internalization Values of Religious Moderation Using Theoanthropoecocentric Pradigma at Ma'had Al-Jamiah at IAIN Padangsidimpuan

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    The presence of Ma'had Al-Jamiah at an Islamic religious college must be a laboratory for internalizing the values of religious moderation. The internalization process must run in line with the social demands of society through higher education institutions. This research was field research with a qualitative descriptive type, namely to reveal the process of internalizing the values of religious moderation to students at Ma'had al-Jamiah IAIN Padangsidimpuan. Collecting data used observation techniques, interviews, and documentation. Meanwhile, to analyze the data used triangulation, namely collecting data and classifying, presenting, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the process of internalizing the values of religious moderation using the theoanthropoecocentric approach (divinity, humanity, and the environment) was carried out with a learning process that was programmed into several parts, namely strengthening divine values compared to fiqh values that vulnerable to differences, prioritizing the concept of humane life through a pattern of living in a dormitory with values of harmony, togetherness, mutual respect for differences in understanding in religion, and creating an attitude of loving the environment. These three aspects are mutually reinforcing because they have a very close relationship. This study concludes that students who understand the true faith have a tolerant human attitude, and would appreciate God's creation in the form of the universe. Keywords: Internlization Religius Value, Theoanthropoecocentric Pradigma, Religious Moderation Valu

    Peningkatan Literasi Melalui Pendampingan Penulisan Cerpen untuk Mengurangi Kenakalan Remaja pada Forum Anak Desa Sumbergondo (FOCS), Kota Batu

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    Indonesia menempati ranking 10 terbawah secara global dalam hal literasi, yang mengindikasikan bahwa minat baca, tulis, dan berpikir masyarakat cukup rendah, terutama pada generasi muda. Tentunya hal ini akan mengancam persaingan secara global, dan menjadi hambatan terbesar dalam mewujudkan cita-cita Indonesia Emas 2045. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah ketidaktahuan untuk meningkatkan minat tersebut, serta disibukkannya generasi muda oleh kegiatan negatif atau kurang bermanfaat lainnya. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan literasi baca dan tulis pada Forum Anak Desa Sumbergondo (FOCS), untuk meminimalisir kenakalan remaja, dan mempersiapkan untuk menjadikan sumber daya manusia yang dapat bersaing secara global. Bentuk kegiatan berupa sosialisasi pentingnya literasi dan panduan teknis menulis cerpen, yang dilanjutkan pendampingan penulisan cerpen dalam kelompok kecil. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah luaran kompilasi cerpen anggota FOCS yang dibukukan dan diterbitkan oleh penerbit lokal. Selanjutnya adalah munculnya kesadaran pentingnya literasi, serta memunculkan semangat dan rasa percaya diri anggota FOCS untuk membaca dan menulis, yang menjadi kapital untuk bersaing secara global di masa depan.

    Design and Implementation a Management Information System Extracurricular WebBased (Case Study: SMAN 1 Sampang)

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    This research aims to design and implement a Management Information System Extracurricular Web-Based in SMA Negeri 1 Sampang to be able to further improve the performance of the school in extracurricular management. SMA Negeri 1 Sampang is a leading public school in the town of Sampang. However extracurricular school management system is still not supported by good information technology facilities. And so we need an information system as an efficiency improvement of school performance in extracurricular management. This research using research design development. The this development goal is to develop a extracurricular management information system web-based as a means to improve the performance of the school in order to support the extracurricular management skills to further develop the student maximum and can also support the academic achievement of students. This development using Waterfall model. The conclusion of this research is that the extracurricular management information system is declared to be feasible and valid to be used because the percentage generated is quite high, namely the average usability aspect of 89.54 percent and the functionality aspect of 99.99 percent.Keyword: Information System, Management, Extracurricula

    Persepsi Masyarakat terhadap Status Kawasan Suaka Margasatwa Ko’mara Kabupaten Takalar

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    The management of protected areas and the surrounding community is an inseparable part. Community around the forest area is a component that interacts directly with the forest area. Interaction of the community with the forest area is influenced by the community's perception of the forest itself. This research was carried out at hamlet which bordered directly on Ko'mara Wildlife Reserve. Data collection was done by field observation, interview, questionnaire and study literature. The level of perception is determined by means of scoring techniques and the factors influencing the perception of the community are described descriptively. The results showed that: (1) the public perception on Karemanepasan and Karepatodo hamlet is moderate, while Ballaborong hamlet is low. (2) Age of the respondent in the productive age range, there is still a chance for a change in perception towards better. The low level of education of respondents influences the insight and way of thinking in the perception of the forest area. The work of the interviewees as farmers, who are heavily dependent on forests as water suppliers for their farms, can form a positive perception. Community engagement can be generally positive because the community can be a means of advising the reserve by the Area Manager


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendesain dan mengimplementasikan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Ekstrakurikuler Berbasis Web di SMA Negeri 1 Sampang untuk dapat lebih meningkatkan kinerja sekolah dalam manajemen ekstrakurikuler.Karena untuk mewujudkan tujuan pendidikan nasional diperlukan pendidikan yang baik. Pendidikan yang baik tidak hanya dilakukan dengan pelajaran regular, namun juga perlu adanya kegiatan tambahan yang berguna untuk memberikan keterampilan dan juga menunjang pada pelajaran sekolah. SMA Negeri 1 Sampang merupakan sekolah negeri unggulan di kota Sampang. Akan tetapi sistem manajemen ekstrakurikuler di sekolah ini masih belum ditunjang dengan fasilitas teknologi informasi yang baik. Sehingga dibutuhkan sebuah sistem informasi sebagai  efisiensi peningkatan kinerja sekolah dalam manajemen ekstrakurikuler.Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian pengembangan. Pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sistem informasi manajemen ekstrakurikuler berbasis web sebagai salah satu sarana untuk meningkatkan kinerja sekolah dalam manajemen ekstrakurikuler agar dapat menunjang keterampilan siswa untuk lebih berkembang dengan maksimal dan dapat pula menunjang prestasi akademik siswa. Pengembangan ini menggunakan model Waterfall. Adapun prosedur pengembangannya dibagi dalam 6 tahap yaitu: 1) Investigasi, 2) Analisis, 3) Desain sistem dan perangkat lunak, 4) Implementasi dan pengujian unit, 5) Integrasi dan pengujian sistem, 6) Operasi dan pemeliharaan.Untuk menguji apakah sistem valid atau tidak, menggunakan metode black box testing yang fokus pada aspek usabilitas dan fungsionalitas sistem

    Bilateral asymptomatic common carotid artery stenosis: Mouse model for stroke research

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    Background: Asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis has become more prevalent worldwide and is often associated with a poor prognosis. Numerous guidelines highlighted surgical interventions as treatment for carotid artery stenosis, but only a few recommendations were made regarding non-surgical interventions due to its limited data.Aims: This study aims to develop a mice model for research in non-surgical interventions of asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis.Methods: Adult male Rattus norvegicus, Wistar strain models with bilateral asymptomatic common carotid artery stenosis (BACAS) were created by ligating the common carotid artery with a 0.6 mm diameter needle and then removing the needle. The mice’s body weight, clinical signs and symptoms, and post-mortem brain analysis were compared between the sham-operated group and the BACAS group.Results: The mortality rate among the BACAS group is 11.11%. There is no significant difference in mean body weight before surgery, after the observation period, and percentage of weight decrease between sham-operated and BACAS groups (p = 0.710, 0.632, and 0.806, respectively). None of the surviving mice in this study exhibit signs of motor paralysis. Gross examination of the brain reveals no signs of infarction or hemorrhage.Conclusion: We have established a novel BACAS mouse model which is cost-efficient, easy to produce, and with no significant alteration in body weight, clinical parameters, and brain morphology


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    Fasilitaspenerangan jalan umum srea di Kelurahan Gading Kasri, Kec.Klojen, Kota Malang belum cukup memadai. Kemungkinan munculnya bahaya pencurian dan kejahatan lainnya di malam hari akan semakin besar. Oleh karena itu, Tim pengabdian masyarakatUniversitas Negeri Malang (UM)memberikan solusi tepat guna berupa lampu jalan tenaga surya. Teknologi tepat guna (TTG) ini menggunakan batere sebagai penyimpan energi listrik keluaran panel surya untuk menyalakan lampu LED dimalam hari. Hasil survei lokasi menunjukkan ada 10 titik dark spot di lokasi mitra yang perlu dipasang TTG lampu jalan tenaga surya. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat di Gading Kasri dilakukan dengan metode survei-implementatif dalam beberapa tahapan, yaitu: observasi, perencanaan, implementasi, pelatihan dan pendampingan, serta evaluasi. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat inidiselesaikan dalam kurun waktu 3 bulan.Hasil kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat di Gading kasri ini mendapat respon positif dari masyarakat. TTG lampu jalan bertenaga surya mampu menerangi Kawasan gelap (dark spot) di wilayah tersebut dengan optimal.Indeks kepuasan masyarakat mencapai 88%

    Determination of total phenol, condensed tannin and flavonoid contents and antioxidant activity of Uncaria gambirextracts

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    Uncaria  gambir,  a  well  known  Southeast  Asia  plant  have  been  previously used as an alternative medicine for treatment such as diarrheal, sore throat and spongy  gums.  Due  to  its  useful  properties,  in  this  study  we  have  analysed  the total  phenol,  condensed  tannin,  flavonoid  content  and  antioxidant  activity  of Uncaria  gambir in  three  different  solvent  extracts.  Characterization  and quantification analysis using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and reverse  phase-high  performance  liquid  chromatography  (RP-HPLC)  has confirmed  that  the  major  chemical  constituents  of  Uncaria  gambir are  mainly catechins.  It  was  revealed  that  the  ethyl  acetate  gambir  extract  gives  the highest  catechin  content  and  antioxidant  activity  compared  with  other  solvent extracts.Key words: Uncaria gambir, antioxidant activity, condensed tannin, flavonoid